The liberal media will stop at nothing to defend the indefensible Hunter Biden. As soon as he pleaded guilty to charges received as part of a suspicious DOJ deal, liberals everywhere began to hail him as a victim, with the New York Times publishing a scorching take that is sure to make any conservative cringe: Hunter Biden is just a victim saved by Joe Biden’s “unconditional love.”
Scorching Take: Hunter Biden Is Just a Victim Saved By Joe Biden's 'Unconditional Love'
— RedState (@RedState) June 24, 2023
It is absolutely shameless to suggest that Joe Biden saving his son is a loving act, when in reality, Hunter’s addiction problems have resulted in serious criminal activity with influence-peddling schemes that produced millions upon millions of dollars for the Biden family.
My column argues that existing addiction policies are grossly inadequate: We lose 250k Americans a year to drugs and alcohol combined. Only 6 percent with substance use disorder get treatment. I wish Pres Biden would tackle America's disorder as seriously as he tackled his son's.
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) June 24, 2023
For now there's no clear evidence that the president did anything wrong, despite 5 years of investigation by a Trump-appointed US Attorney. But there is evidence that Biden modeled the parental love and support that can save lives. That should be scaled.
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) June 24, 2023
There is no doubt that Hunter was heavily enabled by his family. However, we should not let unconditional love to be the only reason for Joe Biden to help fund his son’s degeneracy and criminal activities. Moreover, given the recent revelations that Hunter Biden committed a crime related to shaking down Chinese businessmen, it’s clear Joe Biden’s role wasn’t that of an innocent father.
All of this comes from a man who was previously admitted to an addiction treatment. What kind of support do we give to people who struggle from addiction? Hunter Biden should have been given access to a treatment that is usually offered to other Americans, regardless of race or status. These kind of people instead get jail time, but not Hunter Biden. His connections to the presidential office are the reason why he received the privilege of pre-trial diversion.
Addiction is not an excuse for criminal activity. The Biden family shouldn’t be held to a different standard than everyone else on account of their wealth and connections to power. Furthermore, we should not confuse tough love by Joe Biden in his parenting for aiding and abetting a son’s wrongdoings.
Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is now urging Joe Biden to adopt his personal struggles with Hunter to push for national policies. The push to cure cancer launched by Joe Biden is laughable because of its failed miserable attempt to use other people’s sufferings to make a political gain. Instead, Mr. Kristof should propose nationwide programs that can effectively counter drug addiction without any biases.
Criminals ought to be punished for their unlawful activities, regardless of their addiction. It is clear that Hunter Biden’s addiction isn’t the sole culprit behind the numerous questionable deals that continue even during Joe Biden’s term. It’s not about unconditional love. It’s about holding people accountable for their actions.