
Trump Indicted for Opinions: Free Speech Dies in Biden’s America

The liberal witch hunt against former President Donald Trump continues, as Special Counsel Jack Smith once again indicts him, this time for merely denying the 2020 election results. Can you believe it? Apparently, expressing your opinion and questioning the legitimacy of an election is now a crime in Biden’s America.

Unsurprisingly, critics, like George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley, are condemning this outrageous move by Smith. Turley argues that this indictment is an attempt to collapse the First Amendment, the very foundation of our freedom of speech. And he’s absolutely right.

According to Turley, Trump is not being charged with anything related to inciting violence or insurrection. No, he is being charged because he voiced his belief that there was fraud in the election and that he actually won. How ridiculous! Are we supposed to believe that expressing an opinion, even if it’s based on false information, is now a crime? This sets a dangerous precedent and undermines our right to free speech.

Turley also points out the hypocrisy of this indictment. Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Rep. Jamie Raskin, were free to call Trump illegitimate and challenge his win without facing any consequences. But when Trump does the same, suddenly it’s considered criminal conduct. This double standard is unacceptable and highlights the politicization of our justice system.

Even House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has criticized this indictment, stating that in America, you have the right to raise a question about the honesty of an election. He rightfully points out that neither Clinton nor Al Gore were thrown in jail for disputing their election losses. The First Amendment protects our right to question and challenge the status quo, and that’s what makes America unique.

It’s clear that this indictment is yet another attempt by the left to silence conservative voices and punish anyone who dares to question their narrative. We must stand up against this assault on our freedoms and fight for the right to voice our opinions, even if they go against the mainstream. Our democracy depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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