
18 GOP AGs Rally to Trump’s Defense, Fight DC Judge’s Gag Order

In a gutsy move that’ll make liberal heads spin, a posse of 18 Republican state attorneys general have thrown their weight behind former President Donald Trump’s appeal against the slap-on-the-wrist gag order imposed by D.C. Court of Appeals District Judge Tanya Chutkan. Talk about a heavyweight showdown!

Harking back to the good ol’ Texas v. Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, & Pennsylvania Electoral College certification showdown, when 25 states filed amicus briefs seeking Supreme Court intervention, these GOP warriors are not backing down. They’re out for blood, legally speaking.

According to The Daily Caller, 16 states joined forces with the Iowa and West Virginia AGs, Brenna Bird and Patrick Morrisey, to send a fiery amicus brief arguing that Judge Chutkan totally overstepped her judicial boundaries by laying down that gag order. In their sizzling brief, they called out the court for its “overbroad order” denying President Trump the right to sound off about “individuals involved in the judicial process.” How dare they muzzle the man who’s got a lot to say!

The states doubled down, accusing the court of being impermissibly vague with its restrictions on Trump’s speech. They argued that, as guardians of free and fair elections, they have a big stake in making sure no major political candidate gets gagged. You go, states’ rights!

Brenna Bird and Patrick Morrisey also took to social media to make some noise about their fierce stand. Bird tweeted about how all Americans, including @realDonaldTrump, should have the right to free speech. She even thanked Morrisey for teaming up with her to fight the good fight. Morrisey, on the other hand, proudly declared his role in ensuring that President Trump’s First Amendment rights are kept safe and sound. Now that’s what we call sticking it to the libs!

The West Virginia AG’s Office proudly declared that the states of Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah all jumped on the bandwagon. It’s like a red-state road trip to making sure Trump can speak his mind!

The battle against these gag orders has turned into a full-blown drama. The threats to jail the 2024 GOP front-runner have everyone on the edge of their seats. It’s a high-stakes game and the tension between liberals and conservatives is reaching a boiling point. But you can bet these Republican AGs aren’t backing down, no matter what those liberal judges may throw at them!

Written by Staff Reports

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