
2024 GOP Debate Disaster: Trump Triumphs without Attendance!

The Second 2024 Republican presidential debate was a complete and utter trainwreck, folks! It was chaos, mayhem, and pandemonium all rolled into one. The GOP candidates were like a bunch of hungry wolves, fighting tooth and nail for the spotlight. Shots were fired left and right, and the moderators? Well, they might as well have been invisible because no one paid them any mind.

It was clear from the get-go that this debate was going to be a disaster. The candidates couldn’t even let each other speak without interrupting and talking over one another. It was like a verbal free-for-all, and the moderators were left scrambling to regain control. But let’s be honest, folks, they never had control to begin with.

Critics didn’t mince words when it came to their thoughts on the debate. They called it one of the worst they’ve ever seen, and I have to agree. As a conservative, it was painful to watch. The bickering, the shouting, the complete lack of professionalism – it was a disgrace.

Even conservative host Glenn Beck couldn’t hide his frustration. He took aim at the participants and the moderators, slamming them for their inability to keep the debate civil and structured. And you know what, folks? He was right on the money.

But despite the chaos, there was one clear winner of the night – former President Trump. That’s right, folks, he wasn’t even there, but he still managed to steal the show. Host Matt Schlapp pointed out that none of the debaters were able to set themselves apart from Trump’s success in the polls. He hit the nail on the head, folks. These candidates have a long way to go if they want to stand a chance against the Trump train.

Even the critics couldn’t deny Trump’s impact on the debate. They may have called it a mess, the worst they’ve ever seen, or even compared it to a Muppet episode. But when it came down to it, they all knew deep down that Trump was the winner of the night.

Social media was ablaze with people declaring Trump the victor, despite not even watching the debate. They knew that he was the one they wanted in the White House. And you know what, folks? I can’t blame them. Trump proved time and time again that he’s a strong leader who gets things done. These other candidates? They’re just wasting our time.

Even Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom had to admit that Trump took the crown for the night. Now, that says something, folks. When even a Democrat can see the greatness of Trump, you know he’s the real deal.

So, let this chaotic debate be a wake-up call for the Republican Party. It’s time to get serious, time to find a true leader who can hold their ground against the Democrats. Because right now, folks, Trump is still the one to beat.

Written by Staff Reports

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