
$340M in COVID Relief Hijacked for Illegals by Dems!

In a concerning and troubling development, a recent report has revealed that a whopping $340 million of taxpayer money, intended to assist struggling Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic, was instead distributed to illegal immigrants in Washington state. The funds were extracted from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, a federal aid program, and disbursed to illegal immigrants in the form of $1,000 checks. The review of the spending, conducted by the Economic Policy Innovation Center, shed light on this appalling misuse of public funds.

To add insult to injury, the left-wing Democrats who hold sway on the West Coast seemed to have no qualms about this grievous misallocation of funds. Washington state, which received a total of $4.4 billion in SLFRF funding, set aside $340 million for illegal immigrants, allowing them to benefit from federal COVID aid despite their ineligibility. The state Legislature sanctioned this transfer to the “Immigrant Relief Fund” in April 2021, effectively circumventing the rules that prohibit illegal immigrants from accessing federal COVID relief funds meant for American citizens.

What’s even more outrageous is that the Biden administration signed off on this illicit transfer, thus directly subsidizing illegal immigration under the pretext of pandemic relief. The Economic Policy Innovation Center rightly pointed out the Biden administration’s complicity in this misuse of funds. Moreover, the report revealed that the Washington state Democrats engineered the relief program in a manner that would not adversely impact an illegal immigrant’s application for a green card, adding another layer of absurdity to the entire situation.

The wastefulness of these actions is truly staggering, and it is a slap in the face to hardworking, law-abiding Americans who were grappling with the impact of the pandemic. It is inconceivable that while American citizens were struggling to make ends meet due to job losses and school closures, state and federal funds were being funneled to illegal immigrants. This flagrant misuse of funds highlights the Democrats’ misplaced priorities and their disregard for the well-being of American citizens.

This revelation is just one instance of the appalling misuse of “pandemic relief” funds, which have been channeled towards left-wing pet projects that have nothing to do with addressing the actual impact of COVID-19. It is crystal clear that the Democrats’ approach to pandemic relief has been misguided and callous, with millions of taxpayer dollars being squandered on illegitimate recipients while American citizens continue to suffer.

This situation underscores the urgency of fighting against such flagrant abuses of taxpayer money and holding elected officials accountable for their reckless actions. The Western Journal is committed to shedding light on such corruption and standing up for the interests of hardworking Americans. The 2024 election looms large as a critical juncture, and it is imperative that we unite and push back against the elitist forces that seek to undermine our democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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