
5th Circuit Court Axes Biden’s Ghost Gun Grab!

The Biden administration’s overreach has once again been slapped down, this time by the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. The court made it clear that the government lacks the authority to impose regulations on “ghost guns,” which are privately made firearms that are not easily traceable by law enforcement.

In a victory for firearm owners, gun rights groups, and manufacturers, the federal appeals court declared the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ 2022 rule as “unlawful.” This rule, which aimed to target the proliferation of homemade weapons, was rightly struck down by the panel of judges appointed by the notable Republican, former President Donald Trump. It’s always a good day when a rule from the Biden administration is kicked to the curb by judges who understand the importance of protecting our Second Amendment rights.

The ATF’s rule sought to redefine terms such as “firearm,” “frame,” and “receiver” under the Gun Control Act of 1968 in response to the growing popularity of ghost guns, which can be assembled from kits without the need for a background check. Thankfully, the 5th Circuit panel saw through the ATF’s attempt to overstep its boundaries and create laws where none should exist. US Circuit Judge Kurt Engelhardt, in his scathing rebuke of the ATF’s rule, highlighted the agency’s blatant disregard for the limits of its authority and its audacious pursuit of gun control through unauthorized means. It’s a refreshing sight to see a judge put the ATF in its place and remind it that legislating is not in their job description.

This decision serves as a powerful reminder that the Biden administration’s unconstitutional power grabs will not go unchecked. The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals has sent a clear message that executive agencies cannot simply make up rules as they go along, especially when it comes to infringing upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners. It’s a win for the Constitution, a win for the Second Amendment, and a win for common sense. Let’s hope this ruling serves as a wake-up call for the Biden administration to start respecting the rule of law and the rights of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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