
Abbott Declares War on Illegal Immigration, Texas Bolsters Border Laws

Texas Governor Greg Abbott took a bold stand for his state’s border security by signing “historic” legislation into law. The new laws grant Texas law enforcement the power to prosecute illegal border crossers, a move aimed at combating the surge of illegal immigration that has plagued the state.

In a fiery speech, Abbott pointed the finger at the Biden Administration, blaming President Biden for dismantling effective immigration policies implemented by the Trump Administration. He accused Biden of “deliberate inaction” and leaving Texas to fend for itself in the face of a growing immigration crisis.

The centerpiece of the newly signed legislation, Senate Bill 4, aims to crack down on illegal entry into Texas from foreign nations. Repeat offenders face the prospect of criminal charges and potential prison sentences of up to 20 years. Moreover, the law provides a mechanism for ordering illegal immigrants to return to their home countries.

But Abbott didn’t stop there. He also signed two additional border security bills into law. Senate Bill 4 from Special Session #3 imposes a mandatory 10-year minimum prison sentence for smuggling persons and continuous smuggling, while also enhancing criminal penalties for related offenses like operating stash houses and victim-related crimes. Meanwhile, Senate Bill 3 from Special Session #4 allocates a hefty $1.54 billion in general revenue for border security operations and the construction, operation, and maintenance of border barrier infrastructure.

Taking to social media, Governor Abbott expressed his determination to elevate #OperationLoneStar, the state’s response to the border crisis, to the next level. He emphasized that the newly signed laws would criminalize illegal entry, fund additional wall construction, and bolster the Texas Department of Public Safety’s border security efforts.

Governor Abbott’s decisive actions underline the state’s commitment to tackling illegal immigration and ensuring the safety and security of its residents. The new laws send a clear message that Texas will not stand idly by while illegal immigration runs rampant, and the governor’s unwavering stance has drawn both praise and criticism in the ongoing debate over immigration policy.

Written by Staff Reports

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