
Abbott Slams Biden Over Possible Disaster of Federalizing Texas Guard!

The border situation between the Biden administration and the state of Texas is heating up, and battle lines have been drawn. Eagle Pass, Texas has become the epicenter of this standoff, specifically Shelby Park. The park has experienced a significant increase in illegal border crossings, prompting Texas National Guard troops to step in. However, they have been denying access to federal Border Patrol agents who are attempting to take custody of migrants.

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the federal government has the authority to remove razor wire installed by the Texas National Guard along the Rio Grande. The Department of Homeland Security has given Texas until Friday to grant Border Patrol access or face consequences, but Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has defied this order and firmly rejected the demand for compliance.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has justified the state’s deployment of the National Guard and construction of border barriers under the state’s constitutional authority to defend against an “invasion.” During an interview with Tucker Carlson on the show “Uncensored,” Abbott expressed his strong opposition to any decision by the Biden administration to federalize the Texas National Guard, calling it a “boneheaded move” and “a total disaster.”

Abbott assured that Texas is prepared to defend its borders and expand its denial of illegal entry into the state, with the support of armed state employees and National Guard from other states. He mentioned that Texas has recently passed a law allowing any law enforcement officer to arrest individuals crossing the border illegally. Abbott also revealed that he had handed President Biden multiple letters with immediate solutions to secure the border, but the President has refused to respond.

The Texas Governor emphasized the importance of Republican governors supporting Texas in this fight for the future of America. He expressed his expectation that National Guard forces from these states would join Texas in its efforts. Abbott stated that Texas would continue to erect border barriers and gain control of more land in the coming months.

Former President Donald Trump voiced his support for Texas, calling on willing states to deploy their National Guard to prevent illegal entry and remove illegal immigrants. He pledged to work with Governor Abbott and other border states to stop the invasion and initiate a large-scale deportation operation if he were to become President again.

As tensions rise and the standoff continues, the nation anxiously awaits the outcome. Abbott believes that the border crisis will only end when a new president, who will enforce immigration laws nationwide, is sworn in on January 20, 2025. However, with the possibility of the federal government using force against its own National Guard and the uncertain future of elections, 2025 seems distant. The Western Journal is urging readers to remain vigilant and support their fight against leftist media and corrupt elites, as the 2024 election is crucial for the future of America.

Written by Staff Reports

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