
AI Smut Apps Surge: Silicon Valley Sleeps on Deepfake Boom

The use of AI to create phony images, commonly referred to as deepfakes, is surging, especially in apps that make it look like clothed women are actually naked. The spread of these nefarious apps has drawn in a whopping 24 million visitors to Nudify AI tool websites in September alone, according to researchers at Graphika.

Not only that, but these AI apps are using social media to drum up business, with links to apps featuring “Nudify” tools shooting up by more than 2,400 percent since the beginning of the year. And to add insult to injury, Facebook and Instagram didn’t lift a finger to stop hundreds of deepfake tool ads from popping up all over their platforms, promising raunchy images of celebrities.

These ads were as suggestive as they were shameless, with over 230 of them running on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Some even went as far as swapping out other people’s faces with those of famous Hollywood stars like Watson and Johansson. And get this, they even went as far as playing the intro track from Pornhub in the background. It’s as if Mark Zuckerberg’s platforms became the red carpet for the sleazy digital age.

But wait, it gets worse. Graphika pointed out that the spike in deepfake tool popularity lines up perfectly with the introduction of new open source AI platforms that can conjure up images that make the fakes from just a few years ago look like amateur hour. These aren’t your grandma’s blurry deepfakes, folks. They’re the real deal, the kind that can actually fool you.

And guess what? Big tech companies, like Google, are turning a blind eye to the whole thing. Google claims they don’t allow sexually explicit ads, but they didn’t hesitate to let these deepfake ads run wild. They only started yanking them after they got caught with their pants down. And even Reddit, the supposed land of internet justice, had to finally admit they had to ban some domains after these AI shenanigans.

But here’s the real kicker. The deepfake nightmare is only getting started. A shocking 98 percent of all deepfake images are now filthy pornographic fakes. And to top it off, the authorities are just throwing their hands up in the air, saying there’s nothing they can do about it. But there’s a glimmer of hope, as one sick individual in North Carolina finally got slapped with a 40-year prison sentence for using Nudify apps on pictures of kids. It’s about time someone got some justice around here!

In conclusion, the rise of AI deepfakes is a stark reminder of the dark side of technology. It’s a wild west out there, with sleazy apps and sketchy ads taking over the internet. But it’s also a wake-up call for all of us to keep our eyes peeled and be wary of what’s real and what’s not in this digital age. And if you want to stay updated on the latest, you can check out Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. At least someone’s looking out for us in this crazy world!

Written by Staff Reports

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