
Albany Council Axes Historic Cross: Faith Under Fire!

In a shocking move by the Albany city council, a 28-foot tall hilltop cross that had stood for 52 years was ripped from its rightful place by the Albany Lions Club. The cross, a symbol of love and peace for the community, was torn down on June 8 after years of legal battles. It quickly became evident that the city council and certain individuals had a disdain for the message the cross represented.

The Albany Lions Club President, Kevin Pope, spoke out about the city council’s animosity towards the cross, citing that some members “really hate what it stands for.” Additionally, a local Albany resident, Dorena Osborn, revealed the extent of the lies spread about the cross, including baseless claims of affiliation with the KKK. It was clear that a minority group of individuals, including an atheist organization, had spread falsehoods to fuel their hatred for the cross and those who cherished it.

The cross, which had been erected on privately owned land and maintained by the Lions Club, held deep significance for Christians in the community. Pope emphasized that the cross symbolized the love and sacrifice of Jesus, and the desire for peace and unity. Despite their peaceful intentions, the city council’s actions had caused division and conflict within the community.

Even as the cross was forcefully removed, the Albany Lions Club vowed to continue their fight to have it reinstated. Evangelist Franklin Graham echoed their sentiments, expressing hope that the Christian community would succeed in their efforts to bring back the meaningful symbol.

It is evident that the Albany city council’s decision to remove the historic cross was a direct attack on the Christian community and their values. The effort to dismantle a cherished symbol of faith and unity speaks to the growing intolerance towards traditional American values. The battle to restore the cross is not just a legal one but a fight for the preservation of religious freedom and the right to openly express Christian beliefs.

Written by Staff Reports

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