
AOC Calls Fairness in Women’s Sports Racist – The Outrageous Claims Explained!

We all know that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but her latest remarks have taken her delusion to a whole new level. During a hearing on Title IX, AOC made the outrageous claim that preventing transgender athletes from competing against women is somehow racist against black women. Yes, you read that right. According to AOC, protecting the integrity of women’s sports is now considered racism.

But wait, it gets even more absurd. AOC also shamelessly declared that banning men from competing in women’s sports is not only transphobic, but also racist and sexist. It’s truly mind-boggling how she manages to make such a leap in logic. Last time we checked, prioritizing fair competition and protecting the rights of biological women had nothing to do with skin color or discrimination.

And brace yourself for this one. AOC went on to claim that if we dare to uphold the principles of biological sex in sports, “all” underage women will be subjected to “genital examinations.” Can you believe it? She’s fearmongering and trying to convince people that simply protecting women’s sports will lead to invasive and unnecessary procedures for innocent young girls. It’s a blatant distortion of reality and a desperate attempt to push her radical agenda.

Of course, AOC conveniently ignores the fact that just last year, the Ohio state Senate removed a provision that would have required “internal and external” exams to determine a student-athlete’s gender. Instead, they simply required student-athletes with gender questions to present their original birth certificate. It’s a reasonable compromise that respects the rights of transgender individuals while maintaining fairness in women’s sports.

But leave it to AOC to spin a false narrative and inject unrelated issues into the discussion. Somehow, she managed to bring up the criminalization of abortion and the supposed desire for data on women’s menstrual cycles. It’s like she’s playing a game of political word association, trying to connect the dots between completely unrelated topics to advance her extreme ideology.

Let’s remember what the hearing was really about—the Biden Administration’s proposed rule changes to Title IX. These changes would redefine sex discrimination to include “gender identity,” essentially erasing the distinction between biological males and females in sports. Under this rule, women’s sports would no longer be limited to biological females. It’s a disastrous decision that disregards the hard work and sacrifices made by female athletes and undermines the very essence of fair competition.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans see through the absurdity. According to a Gallup poll, 69 percent believe that transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that align with their biological sex. The support for allowing transgender individuals to participate based on their current gender identity has actually decreased. It’s a clear indication that the American people value fairness and the integrity of women’s sports.

So, while AOC may continue to make outlandish claims and spew misinformation, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Protecting the integrity of women’s sports and ensuring fair competition is not racist, transphobic, or sexist. It’s simply common sense. And it’s time for AOC and her radical allies to come back down to reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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