
AOC Calls Inflation ‘Propaganda’ in Surprising Bid to Shield Biden

In a recent video shared on Instagram, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempted to downplay the crippling inflation under Joe Biden, dismissing it as nothing more than propaganda. However, AOC was quickly fact-checked by her own district, where many people are struggling to meet their rent payments due to Biden’s economic failure.

The New York Post reported that when they visited Ocasio-Cortez’s constituents in the 14th district, they found that all of them reported economic pain. Latisha Law, a single mother of three and grandmother, spoke about her financial struggles since the pandemic began. She expressed frustration with AOC’s claims, stating, “Is AOC crazy? Has she been to a grocery store recently? $1,000 ain’t nothing no more. $100 ain’t nothing no more. Maybe she should spend some time in the projects and really help people.”

It’s clear that the majority of Americans see inflation as a significant problem that is affecting their everyday lives, thanks to Joe Biden. According to a recent poll, a stunning 65% of Americans believe inflation is a “very big problem.” This is not surprising, given that the costs of raising a child have skyrocketed, with it now costing over $310,605 to raise a child in the current economic climate.

AOC’s attempt to deflect blame from the Biden administration and dismiss inflation as propaganda is not fooling anyone. The American people are feeling the effects of Bidenomics and it’s time for Ocasio-Cortez to face the reality and start focusing on real solutions instead of spreading false narratives.

Written by Staff Reports

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