
AOC Clings to House Seat, Shunning Senate Dreams

In a not-so-surprising move, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has announced her bid for a fourth term in the House of Representatives. Despite previous rumors that she might be eyeing a Senate run, Ocasio-Cortez has chosen to stick around in the House, much to the dismay of conservative Americans everywhere.

The New York Democrat’s reelection bid comes as no shock to anyone, as it seems she can’t get enough of Washington politics. In a statement on Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez declared her intention to keep fighting for her self-proclaimed “movement of everyday working people” in The Bronx and Queens. With her sights set on another term, she’s spouting off the same ol’ promises of affordable housing, Medicare for All, reproductive freedom, and of course, the infamous Green New Deal.

As if that wasn’t enough, Ocasio-Cortez is also jumping on the bandwagon of those calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East. It seems she can’t resist butting into foreign policy, despite her lack of experience in international affairs.

Now, while it’s no secret that Ocasio-Cortez’s district is a Democratic stronghold, it’s still amusing to watch her fellow progressive colleagues face primary challenges over their stance on the Israel war. It’s a bit of a circus within the Democratic Party, with Reps. Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and Rashida Tlaib all feeling the heat for their views on the Middle East conflict.

But fear not, conservative friends, for even though Ocasio-Cortez is likely to breeze through her reelection, the battle for the soul of the Democratic Party is sure to provide plenty of entertainment in the months to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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