
Apple Dumps Electric Car Dreams! Back to Phones & Tablets

Well, well, well, it looks like Apple has finally come to its senses and decided to ditch its electric vehicle dreams. About time, if you ask this conservative news writer! Bloomberg reported that Apple’s Chief Operating Officer and another top executive gave the car project the boot, sending employees packing either to other departments or out the door entirely. Good riddance, I say! It’s about time Apple focused on what they do best – making phones and tablets, not cars.

Seems like the whole electric vehicle craze is starting to sputter out faster than a Prius on empty. Even Tesla’s Elon Musk had a chuckle over Apple’s misfortune, posting a sassy emoji in response. Looks like the EV bubble is bursting, folks! With companies like Rivian laying off workers and big names like Ford and GM taking a financial hit, it’s clear that the electric car market is about as reliable as a solar-powered flashlight.

And as if things couldn’t get any worse for the EV crowd, here comes the Biden administration ready to bail them out. Biden’s team is dialing back on their ambitious electric vehicle sales targets, giving car manufacturers a pass until after 2030. Talk about a government handout! It’s no wonder the liberal elites love their electric cars – they can’t survive without Uncle Sam propping them up.

In the end, Apple made the right call by ditching their electric car dreams. Let’s leave the car-making to the experts and stick to what we know best. Who needs electric vehicles anyway when you can have a good old-fashioned gas guzzler? Keep on truckin’, America!

Written by Staff Reports

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