
Axelrod Defies Biden’s Insult, Fires Back – ‘Get Out or Get Going’!

Former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod is not one to back down from a fight, especially when it involves President Biden. This alleged feud started when Axelrod questioned Biden’s reelection bid, asking if it was wise for the country. Well, Biden didn’t take too kindly to that and reportedly called Axelrod a not-so-nice name in a private meeting. But Axelrod isn’t one to let insults slide. When asked about the name-calling on CNN, he didn’t back down at all. In fact, he doubled down on his criticism.

Axelrod acknowledged that Biden wouldn’t be the first person to call him that name, and then he went even further. He said that either Biden needs to get out of the race or get his campaign going. Axelrod believes that the status quo and the “What me, worry?” attitude of the campaign won’t get Biden where he needs to go. He warns that if Biden doesn’t step up his game, he risks putting Donald Trump back in the White House.

It’s always fascinating to see the infighting amongst the left. As RedState’s Duke puts it, Axelrod being called a name by Biden is the mildest insult he could have received. But Duke also believes that both Biden and Axelrod have a point in their criticisms of each other. It’s not the first time Axelrod has expressed his concerns about Biden’s campaign, and it’s interesting that he’s still speaking out despite the election getting closer. Maybe Axelrod knows something the rest of us don’t?

Regardless, it seems like some Democrats are starting to worry about Biden’s chances in the election. New polling shows Trump beating Biden in key battleground states, and that has some Democrats jumping ship. The burning question is whether or not Axelrod has Obama’s blessing to speak out against Biden. And if he does, what is Obama’s end game in all of this? Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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