
Baltimore’s Data Grab: Mayor Sues ATF in Privacy Shakedown!

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott and his merry band of city council members are at it again, causing a ruckus and suing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. What are they so fired up about, you ask? Well, they’re throwing a fit over the Tiahrt Amendment, which puts the kibosh on local officials getting their grubby little paws on ATF firearms trace databases. That’s right, they want to pry into the ATF’s business and get access to sensitive data they have no business messing with.

Now, why on earth would they want to do that, you may wonder? Apparently, they’re yammering on about how they need all the tools in the shed to combat gun violence, and they just can’t do it without peeking into the ATF’s treasure trove of gun history. Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile, right? These Baltimore bigwigs think they’re so clever, trying to paint a rosy picture of their desperate need for information they have no right to.

The Tiahrt Amendment has been around since 2003, and it’s there for a reason. It’s supposed to keep law enforcement and prosecutors in the loop without letting them spill the beans on sensitive data. But no, Baltimore thinks they’re above the law and are throwing a tantrum, claiming the ATF’s interpretation of the Tiahrt Amendment is too narrow. Boo-hoo, Baltimore! Cry me a river.

And get this! According to ATF data, most firearms recovered in Maryland didn’t even come from the state. Baltimore may not have any firearm stores within city limits, but that hasn’t stopped 84% of homicides since 2007 from being carried out with firearms. It’s clear as day that Baltimore has a problem on its hands, but instead of taking responsibility, they’re pointing fingers at everyone else.

To top it all off, Baltimore Democrats are banding together with their pals in Congress to have a little pity party. They’re whining to President Joe Biden, asking the Department of Justice to review the bureau’s interpretation of the act. Instead of handling their own mess, they’re crying to the feds and trying to drag everyone else into their drama.

There are folks out there who understand the importance of keeping a lid on sensitive information, and they’re standing firm against this Baltimore brouhaha. They know that releasing such data would put criminal investigations at risk and harm firearm retailers. But Baltimore is so wrapped up in their own self-righteous crusade that they can’t see the big picture.

Mayor Scott tries to play the hero, claiming the lawsuit isn’t targeting retailers. Oh, how noble of him! But the truth is, this lawsuit is just a ploy to meddle in the ATF’s business and stir up trouble. Who does he think he’s fooling?

Baltimore needs to wake up and smell the gunpowder. Instead of pointing fingers and causing a fuss, they should focus on solving their own problems. But that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? It’s much more fun to kick up a storm and drag everyone else down with them. Well, Baltimore, the jig is up. It’s time to put on your big boy pants and face the music.

Written by Staff Reports

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