The media’s bias towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to show its ugly head, with outlets like the Associated Press, New York Times, and CNN leading the charge. This time, they have become mouthpieces for Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for the heinous attacks on October 7. It’s time to call a spade a spade – this was Israel’s 9/11.
Hamas, fueled by Iranian training and support, unleashed a campaign of terror along the Gaza border, including rape, torture, and murder of innocent Israelis. It’s not a “cycle of violence” or a mere academic debate – it was an invasion, a terrorist attack. Israel has every right to defend its people and eradicate the terrorists hiding in the Gaza Strip. But the liberal media prefers to water down the truth, focusing on irrelevant articles about the conditions in Gaza as if it justifies these acts of terror. Let’s be clear, the people of Gaza voted for Hamas, a terrorist network more interested in destroying Israel than improving their lives. They knew what they were getting into.
Amidst the biased coverage, the BBC’s reporter deserves some credit for accurately reporting that the IDF takes precautions to warn civilians in Gaza and provide them with instructions on where to seek shelter during the air campaign. This is a crucial distinction between Israel and Hamas – IDF doesn’t target civilians, unlike the terrorists who go as low as beheading babies. The liberal media should take notes and stop trying to blame Israel for defending itself.
It’s about time these biased outlets, like MSNBC and CNN, faced scrutiny for their poor coverage. Hamas terrorists are not freedom fighters or militants – they are cold-blooded terrorists. It’s time for the media to stop sugarcoating their actions and start telling the truth. Props to Jake Tapper of CNN for his segment on the terrorist attack, but that’s just an honorable mention in a sea of biased reporting.