
Biden Admin Grants De Facto Amnesty to 350000 Illegal Immigrants Jeopardizing Security

The New York Post has uncovered a troubling trend within the Biden administration – granting de facto amnesty to over 350,000 illegal immigrants. This means that these migrants, who have not been granted or denied asylum, are allowed to stay in the US indefinitely without facing deportation. This lax approach to immigration poses a serious threat to national security, as there is little scrutiny on who these individuals are or their intentions.

Under the Biden administration, the number of illegal aliens benefiting from this de facto amnesty has dramatically increased, with a staggering 77 percent allowed to remain in the country. This indicates a concerning shift towards leniency in handling immigration cases. ICE officers have reported seeing an uptick in criminal activities committed by migrants whose asylum cases have been dismissed, leading to lengthy removal proceedings. 


The lackadaisical attitude towards illegal immigration, as highlighted by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, is alarming. Allowing hundreds of thousands of migrants to roam freely in the US without proper vetting or assessment of their asylum claims is reckless. The Biden administration’s failure to uphold immigration laws and secure the border is not only irresponsible but also endangers American citizens.

The contrast with the previous administration’s approach to immigration enforcement is stark. During the Trump administration, thousands of migrants were ordered removed from the US, demonstrating a commitment to upholding immigration laws. In contrast, the current administration’s lenient policies are emboldening more migrants to attempt unlawful entry into the country, exacerbating the immigration crisis.

It is crucial for the Biden administration to address these loopholes in the immigration system and prioritize the security and well-being of American citizens. Allowing illegal immigrants to circumvent the legal process and remain in the country unchecked sets a dangerous precedent. The American people deserve a government that enforces laws and upholds the integrity of the immigration system.

Written by Staff Reports

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