
Biden Administration Dodges Quantico Incident Questions, Confirms Incompetence

In a stunning display of evasiveness, the Biden administration has once again refused to answer questions about a critical incident at Quantico Marine Corps base on May 3. By dodging these simple inquiries, they have essentially confirmed what we already knew – their incompetence knows no bounds.

The incident at Quantico is just one more example of the chaos that has engulfed our country under the Biden administration. This refusal to address the situation only adds to the mounting evidence that the border crisis is spiraling out of control. Instead of taking responsibility and providing transparent answers, the Biden team continues to play games and hide the truth from the American people.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is more concerned with covering up their failures than actually solving the problems facing our nation. Their lack of accountability and transparency is a slap in the face to every hardworking American who deserves to know the truth about what is happening at our borders.

It’s time for the Biden administration to stop hiding and start facing the consequences of their disastrous policies. The American people deserve leaders who are willing to be honest and forthright, not a bunch of dodgers who are more interested in playing politics than actually governing. The chaos at our borders is a direct result of their incompetence, and it’s time for them to own up to it.

Written by Staff Reports

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