
Biden Bows to Pressure: Mass Venezulan Border Protection Unleashed!

The Biden administration, known for their warm welcome to anyone and everyone who wants to live in the land of the free, has announced another step in their plan to turn America into a global melting pot. In a move that can only be described as “open borders on steroids,” the administration has decided to grant temporary legal status to hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who are already in the country.

Now, the Biden administration claims that this decision was made because they are so concerned about the growing numbers of people fleeing Venezuela and other countries and making their way to the U.S. border with Mexico. But let’s be honest here, folks. This has nothing to do with compassion or humanitarianism. It’s all about politics.

By granting temporary legal status to these Venezuelans, Biden is hoping to secure their votes for future elections. After all, if you let enough people into the country and give them legal status, they’re bound to support the party that was so kind to them, right? It’s a clever play by the administration, one that shows they care more about their own political power than the well-being of American citizens.

So, get ready for more chaos at the border, folks. The floodgates are opening, and there’s no end in sight. But hey, at least the Biden administration can pat themselves on the back for being so “progressive” and “inclusive.” Just don’t expect them to take any responsibility when things inevitably go wrong.

Written by Staff Reports

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