
Biden Bungles Armstrong’s Moon Landing Quote Unbelievably!

President Joe Biden, known for his frequent gaffes, made yet another blunder during a meeting with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Attempting to quote Neil Armstrong’s famous words after landing on the moon, Biden stumbled over his words and got it completely wrong. Instead of saying, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” he said, “That’s one small step for man and one giant step for mankind.”

While Biden’s speech mishaps are nothing new, this particular mistake is quite noteworthy. The quote he was trying to recite is considered a message forever etched in history, making his error all the more embarrassing. It seems that even the most iconic quotes are not safe from Biden’s verbal blunders.

This incident adds to a growing list of historical inaccuracies and falsehoods that Biden has made, especially when it comes to his own personal history. Piers Morgan, a British commentator, has taken to calling him “Pinocchio Joe” due to his constant stream of lies.

From falsely claiming to have been a truck driver to saying he was in Israel during the Six-Day War, Biden has a track record of stretching the truth. More recently, he falsely stated that he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11, when in fact he didn’t visit until nine days later.

In comparison to these lies, getting the Neil Armstrong quote wrong may seem minor. However, it adds to the perception that Biden is not mentally sharp or reliable on the world stage. These continued blunders only further undermine his credibility and raise questions about his fitness for office.

Written by Staff Reports

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