
Biden Bungles Notes, Spins Odd ‘Uncle Frank’ Tale in Dysfunctional Saga!

In a recent speech, Joe Biden made a plea for more money for Israel and Ukraine, as well as aid for the people of Gaza. However, rather than addressing the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, Biden is planning to attend a campaign reception and then head off to the beach. It’s a classic case of putting his own leisure time ahead of the needs of Americans and our allies.

But that’s not all. Biden’s meeting with the European Council and the European Commission got off to a rocky start when he couldn’t even get his notes in order. It’s embarrassing to see a supposed leader of the free world struggle with something as simple as perfunctory remarks. When his notes got stuck together, he was left fumbling and had to fill in the gaps with nonsensical blather. This is not the kind of leadership that inspires confidence.

And then there’s the bizarre story Biden told about his “Uncle Frank” and how he supposedly gave him a Purple Heart. The problem is, there’s absolutely no evidence to support this story. Fact-checkers have confirmed that there is no record of Biden’s Uncle Frank ever receiving a Purple Heart, either while he was alive or posthumously. It seems that Biden has a habit of making things up to embellish his own image.

It’s concerning to think that we have a loose cannon like Biden in the seat of power. How can we trust a leader who consistently says things that are not supported by the evidence? And what must our allies think of him? It’s clear that Biden is more interested in avoiding tough questions from reporters than addressing the real issues at hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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