
Biden Confuses History Claims to Be First Black Woman Serving with Obama

President Joe Biden makes waves again, this time claiming to be the “first black woman to serve with a black president” in a recent radio interview that left listeners scratching their heads. The President seemed to mix up his history, stumbling over his words while discussing his time as Vice President under Barack Obama and his choice of Kamala Harris as Vice President.

Listeners of Pennsylvania radio show WURD were treated to the spectacle as Biden went on about his supposed accomplishments in the black community. He also proudly declared himself to be the first president elected statewide in Delaware when he was a child, a claim that raised eyebrows.

Before delving into his racial confusion, Biden highlighted his achievement of being elected at a young age, reminiscing about his Catholic upbringing and facing prejudices. Social media erupted with mockery at the Democrats’ attempts at virtue-signaling, with comedian Terrence K. Williams even suggesting Biden’s age may be catching up with him.

Even prominent Democrats like Peter Daou expressed concern over Biden’s gaffes, calling it “criminal negligence” on the part of the Democratic Party. Despite calls from within his own party to consider stepping down, Biden’s re-election campaign remains steadfast in pushing for a second term, with spokesperson Ammar Moussa dismissing the media’s coverage of Biden’s slip-ups as absurd.

The controversy surrounding Biden’s latest remarks adds to the growing criticism of his communication skills and mental acuity. As the debate over his fitness for office continues, it remains to be seen how Biden’s camp will navigate these challenging waters in the run-up to the next election.

Written by Staff Reports

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