
Biden Drowning in Sea of Negative Polls!

In a recent article published by Politico, it’s clear that the polls are not in favor of President Joe Biden. The New York Times/Siena College poll from earlier this month revealed that Biden is falling behind his likely 2024 rival, former President Donald Trump, in five out of six key swing states. This is certainly not a great start for Biden’s potential reelection campaign.

To make matters worse for Biden, the latest surveys from 13 separate pollsters show that his position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them. Real Clear Politics, which aggregates the poll results, now has Trump beating Biden by an average of 2.3 percentage points in the 2024 general election. It’s worth noting that Trump’s lead has been growing in recent months, a sign that the American people may not be so eager to see a Biden presidency continue.

Two polls in particular found Trump with a significant lead over Biden, a six percentage point lead to be exact. This is just one example of the many ways the polls are showing bad news for Biden. According to a recent NBC News poll, Trump is even leading Biden among voters under the age of 35, by a margin of 46% to 42%. This is surprising considering Biden received much more support from young voters in the 2020 election.

Adding insult to injury, recent polling shows Biden’s approval rating heading downward to record lows, while Trump’s approval rating is on the rise. Both Biden and Trump currently have an average favorability rating of about 40%, according to Real Clear Politics. However, it’s important to note that Trump’s numbers on individual polls have been on the upswing, while Biden’s have been steadily declining.

These numbers don’t bode well for Biden and the Democrats. Not only are the polls showing Biden’s inability to secure a strong lead, but his approval rating on the issues is also underwater by 21.3%, according to Real Clear Politics. These are certainly not the numbers one would expect to see from an incumbent president who is hoping to secure his reelection.

Overall, it’s safe to say that the polls are getting worse for Biden. The American people are showing growing dissatisfaction with his presidency, and even the younger voters who once supported him are now turning towards Trump. It’s not looking good for Biden and the Democrats as they face an uphill battle in their efforts to retain power.

Written by Staff Reports

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