
Biden Ducks Super Bowl Interview: Hiding from the Hard-Hitting Q’s?

The liberal media is at it again, folks! President Joe Biden has once again decided to snub the American people by refusing to sit down for an interview at the Super Bowl for the second year in a row. That’s right, he’s keeping up his trend of limited interviews and media appearances, leaving the American people in the dark about his administration’s plans and decisions.

The White House confirmed to Variety that Biden would not participate in an interview with CBS, the network airing the Super Bowl this year, after turning down an interview with Fox before the 2023 Super Bowl. What’s he so afraid of, huh? Maybe he’s worried about stumbling through softball questions or slipping up and revealing his administration’s failures.

Biden has the nerve to claim that he’s too busy to talk to the American people, but let’s not forget that he found time to do interviews on The Drew Barrymore Show, the SiriusXM podcast Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, and even the Weather Channel. How convenient. It’s clear that Biden will only talk to those who won’t push back on his failing policies and disastrous leadership.

And let’s not forget about Biden’s “basement campaign” during the 2020 election, where he hid out and avoided facing tough questions and public scrutiny. Now, he’s continuing his pattern of avoiding the media and limiting his appearances, all while claiming to be a transparent and accountable leader. What a joke!

With the 2024 Super Bowl just around the corner, it’s clear that Biden is more interested in dodging tough questions than engaging with the American people. It’s time for him to step up and start providing the transparency and leadership that the American people deserve. But knowing Biden, he’ll probably find another excuse to avoid facing the music and hiding from the public eye.

Written by Staff Reports

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