
Biden Exposed: 99% Illegals Released, Not Removed! See Bombshell Report!

In a startling revelation, a damning report from the House Judiciary Committee has brought to light another troubling aspect of the illegal immigration situation in the United States. Data procured from the Department of Homeland Security discloses that a staggering 99 percent of illegal immigrants released into the country under President Biden's administration have not been deported. This contradicts the Administration's assertions that the southwestern border is closed, and that swift action is being taken to repatriate illegal immigrants.

It appears that the Biden administration has been disseminating a deceptive narrative to the American people, hoping that we wouldn't discern the truth. However, thanks to the relentless diligence of the House Judiciary Committee, their façade has crumbled, and the startling data has come to the forefront. This underscores the importance of having strong conservative voices in Congress who are committed to promoting transparency and accountability.

The statistics unearthed by the report are truly astounding. Between January 2021 and March 2023, there were more than 5 million encounters with illegal immigrants, and an astonishing 2,464,424 of them had no confirmed exit from the United States. This means that over 2 million individuals may be residing in our country illegally, straining our already overburdened resources and impacting our communities.

To compound matters, the Department of Homeland Security released at least 2,148,738 illegal immigrants into the United States during the same period. It's as if they are extending an open invitation to those who violate our laws, rather than prioritizing the safety and security of American citizens.

Furthermore, here's the real shocker: out of the thousands of illegal immigrants encountered at the southwestern border and subjected to removal proceedings before an immigration judge, only a minuscule 5,993 were actually deported from the United States. This amounts to less than 1 percent of those who underwent the process. It constitutes a flagrant mockery of our immigration system and a direct affront to the rule of law.

But the issues don't end there. A mere six percent of illegal immigrants released into the United States were even evaluated for asylum-related fears of persecution. This implies that the vast majority of individuals who enter our country unlawfully are not subject to proper scrutiny. This presents a substantial national security risk, leaving us susceptible to criminals and potential terrorists exploiting our broken immigration system.

Despite pledges to preserve the integrity of our immigration system, the Biden administration has fallen far short. Only 874 illegal immigrants who were found to have a credible fear of persecution and had their asylum claims denied by an immigration judge have been expelled from the country. This is a negligible number compared to the millions who are residing here illegally.

To add insult to injury, an additional 205,473 aliens were granted entry into the country through illegal categorical parole programs. It's almost as if the Biden administration is distributing free passes for unlawful entry into our country. This is an affront to those who patiently wait in line to enter legally and abide by our laws.

It is evident that the Biden administration's approach to immigration is fundamentally flawed and misguided. Their inaction and reluctance to acknowledge the crisis at our borders have tangible consequences. It is high time for conservatives to stand up and demand accountability. The American people deserve a secure border, a well-functioning immigration system, and a government that upholds the rule of law. It's time to prioritize America's interests and confront this crisis head-on.

Written by Staff Reports

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