
Biden Faces Growing Challenge with Black Voters as Trump’s Support Rises

President Joe Biden is facing some challenges with black voters in the upcoming presidential election, according to data reporter Harry Enten. A recent poll indicated that Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in several swing states. Trump’s support among likely black voters has risen to 18%, while Biden maintains 70% support. This shift in support has raised concerns for the Biden campaign.

Enten pointed out that Trump’s increased support among black voters is significant compared to his numbers from four years ago. The data shows a potential shift in voter demographics that could favor Trump in the general election. These findings suggest a historic opportunity for the Republican candidate to secure more black voter support than in previous elections. 


The RealClearPolitics average of general election polls currently shows Trump leading Biden by a small margin. When including other candidates like Jill Stein and independent candidates, Trump’s lead grows. Enten highlighted the age breakdown among black voters, noting that Biden struggles to secure support from younger black voters, with Trump garnering 25% of that demographic.

Interestingly, some black voters have expressed considering voting for Trump due to his handling of the economy and specific policies like the stimulus checks and the First Step Act. This highlights a potential shift in voter sentiment within the black community. Biden may need to address these concerns to secure more support from black voters in the upcoming election.

From a conservative perspective, these findings suggest that President Biden may be losing ground with key voter demographics, including black voters. Trump’s increased support among black voters could signal a significant shift in the political landscape. It highlights the importance of addressing policy issues that resonate with all voters, regardless of race. Biden’s campaign may need to reassess its strategies to appeal to a wider range of voters, including younger black voters who are showing interest in Trump’s platform.

Written by Staff Reports

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