
Biden Fades, Trump Triumphs: Dems in Disarray for 2024!

In a recent article about President Joe Biden’s declining popularity, it’s clear that the Democrats are in hot water. Voters are getting antsy about Biden’s age, cognitive issues, and policy failures. But hold on a sec, folks. Before you break out the champagne and start celebrating, a new poll from the U.K.’s Stack Data Strategy has some eye-opening results.

According to this poll, if the 2024 election were held today with Biden and former President Donald Trump as the candidates, Trump would win in the Electoral College. Yes, you heard that right. Trump would pull out a victory, winning crucial swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It seems the Democrats’ worst nightmare might just come true.

But wait, there’s more. The poll also suggests that if Biden were to step aside and make way for someone like Vice President Kamala Harris or California Governor Gavin Newsom, Trump still comes out on top. It’s like the Democrats are swapping one sinking ship for another, and all Trump has to do is sail in and claim the victory.

Now, before you start getting too giddy about these results, remember that this poll has some potential issues. It used an online survey method, and there were concerns about the representativeness of the sample. Plus, let’s not forget that the pollster, Stack Data Strategy, has ties to the National Republican Congressional Committee. It’s kind of like asking a fox to guard the henhouse.

But the most striking part of this whole debacle is that even if Biden were replaced by another Democratic hopeful, the results don’t look much better for the blue team. It’s like a never-ending nightmare for them, with no escape in sight.

So, as much as the Democrats might want to sweep Biden under the rug and move on to greener pastures, it seems like they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. And with the 2024 election looming, they better start coming up with a game plan fast. Because if this poll is any indication, it looks like the GOP might just have the last laugh.

Written by Staff Reports

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