
Biden Flip-Flops: Labels Xi ‘Dictator’ after Gloating ‘Progress’ in Summit!

President Joe Biden defended his remarks about Chinese President Xi Jinping, calling him a dictator. He explained that Xi is the leader of a communist country with a government that is completely different from the United States. Despite this, Biden stated that progress was made during their four-hour meeting.

As a conservative Republican, it’s refreshing to see President Biden acknowledge the truth about the Chinese regime. Unlike his predecessor, who often downplayed the authoritarian nature of the Chinese government, Biden is willing to call it what it is. It’s important for the United States to have a leader who is not afraid to confront dictators and hold them accountable for their actions.


During the meeting, President Biden and President Xi discussed several important issues, such as fentanyl and military communication. They reached agreements on measures to combat the production of fentanyl and to improve defense policy discussions. This is a significant step towards protecting American lives and ensuring our national security.

However, there was some tension regarding the issue of Taiwan. President Xi expressed frustration with the speculation of a potential attack on Taiwan by the United States. He made it clear that there are no such plans and that no one has discussed this with him. It’s understandable that Xi would be frustrated with these types of rumors, but it’s crucial for the United States to maintain a strong stance in support of Taiwan’s sovereignty.

Overall, President Biden’s meeting with President Xi was a step in the right direction. It’s important for the United States to engage with China and address critical issues, but it must be done from a position of strength and clarity. President Biden’s acknowledgement of Xi as a dictator shows that he is not afraid to speak the truth, and that’s something that conservatives can appreciate.

Written by Staff Reports

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