
Biden Flip-Flops on Hamas: Caves to Radical Left’s Pressure!

President Joe Biden has once again shown his lack of backbone and flip-flopping tendencies, this time when it comes to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. In a recent meeting with pro-Palestinian advocates, Biden shamelessly backtracked on his earlier statements about questioning the number of deaths in Gaza being reported by Hamas. It’s no surprise that Biden caved under pressure from these advocates, who urged him to have greater empathy for the people of Gaza.

During a press conference on October 25th, Biden had the audacity to doubt the accuracy of the Palestinians’ claims about the number of casualties. He actually had the nerve to suggest that Hamas might be lying about the innocent lives lost. But in a stunning display of weakness, Biden apologized and expressed his disappointment in himself during his meeting with the Muslim American leaders.

It’s a sad day when the President of the United States feels the need to apologize for questioning the narratives of a terrorist organization like Hamas. As a Republican, it’s disheartening to see Biden succumbing to pressure from within his own party to sympathize with Hamas and impose a ceasefire on Israel.

Let’s not forget that Hamas is a group known for its indiscriminate rocket attacks on innocent Israeli civilians. They have repeatedly expressed their desire to wipe Israel off the map and have even resorted to using human shields to protect their weapons stockpiles. Yet, Biden seems more concerned about the number of casualties in Gaza than holding Hamas accountable for their actions.

Not only is Biden weak on foreign policy, but he also seems willing to pander to the radical left-wing members of his party. Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have openly expressed support for Hamas and even spewed anti-Semitic rhetoric. Tlaib was rightfully censured by Congress for her past remarks, but that hasn’t stopped her from threatening to withhold support for Biden’s reelection.

It’s clear that Biden’s decision-making is influenced by the far-left faction of his party, rather than what’s best for America and our allies. We need a strong leader who will stand with Israel and prioritize the safety and security of our own citizens. Unfortunately, it seems that Biden’s priorities lie elsewhere, leaving us to question his commitment to defending our values and interests.

Written by Staff Reports

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