
Biden Focuses on Son Rather than Honoring Fallen at Memorial Day Ceremony

President Joe Biden participated in Memorial Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, where he spoke about his son Beau instead of honoring the fallen service members. This behavior shows his tendency to make events about himself, even when it may not be appropriate. It is concerning that he didn’t acknowledge the 13 service members who lost their lives due to his failed policies in Afghanistan.

During the ceremonies, there are questions about whether President Biden fell asleep. Video footage shows moments where he appears to close his eyes and nod off. Some argue that he was simply reflecting on the somber nature of the event, but his history of gaffes and mishaps raises doubts about his capability to lead effectively.

This incident adds to a series of embarrassing moments involving President Biden, highlighting his lack of competence and readiness for the demands of the presidency. From struggling through speeches to snapping at reporters, he continues to display questionable behavior. Considering these issues, it is valid to question his ability to fulfill the duties of his position.

Overall, this incident underscores the concerns about President Biden’s leadership and calls into question his suitability to handle crucial responsibilities. It is essential for the public to remain vigilant and hold leaders accountable for their actions and performance.

Written by Staff Reports

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