
Biden Fuels Controversy: Revives $700M Support for Jihadist-Linked U.N. Arm!

Joe Biden's recent decision to reinstate funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has drawn criticism, particularly in the wake of the brutal attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians. UNRWA has faced accusations of promoting radical Islam and antisemitism in Gaza over an extended period. Despite these concerns, the Biden administration chose to allocate over $700 million in American taxpayer funds to this controversial organization. This move has raised deep concerns about prioritizing funding for an agency linked to terrorist groups instead of standing firmly with our ally, Israel.

The recent Hamas attack, carried out by a genocidal Sunni jihadist terrorist organization, resulted in the loss of more than 1,000 Israeli lives, prompting worldwide demands for answers. It is worth noting that Hamas alleged direct support from Iran for the atrocities during this horrific event. President Biden's approach of engaging with Iran and a perceived lack of robust sanctions enforcement should be a cause for concern among Americans. Equally alarming is the fact that UNRWA has indirectly assisted Hamas by providing financial and material support.

During the Trump administration, the United States ceased its funding to UNRWA due to concerns about its links to terrorism and its role in promoting hostility towards Israel and Jews. Regrettably, the Biden administration reversed this decision, seemingly disregarding the evidence of UNRWA's problematic conduct. UNRWA has a history of employing individuals with antisemitic views, indoctrinating children with extremist ideologies, and indirectly supporting terrorist violence. It is evident that this organization is not actively contributing to peace or stability in the region.

President Biden's foreign policy choices have once again prompted serious concerns about his commitment to America's allies and the fight against terrorism. By reinstating funding for UNRWA, the administration appears to convey a dangerous message, implying a willingness to support organizations with ties to terrorism. This allocation of American taxpayer dollars is not in the best interest of national security and endangers our security. It is imperative for President Biden to reconsider this decision and prioritize the safety and security of the American people and our allies.

Written by Staff Reports

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