
Biden Gropes in the Dark Amidst Israeli War Crisis!

President Joe Biden is currently grappling with personal and political challenges stemming from the ongoing Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel and Israel's forceful response in Gaza. These events come at a time when concerns regarding Biden's foreign policy have been mounting, particularly concerning his distant relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his approach to Iran. Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, asserts that these attacks are already subjecting Biden's Iran policy to intense scrutiny. He critiques the recent U.S.-Iran prisoner swap, raising questions about the release of billions of dollars to Iran.

Retired Army Col. Rich Outzen, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, concurs that this conflict represents a setback for Biden's Middle East policy. He contends that Biden's policy is inadvertently incentivizing Iran, encouraging reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and deprioritizing the entire region. Outzen argues that all three facets of Biden's policy have suffered a major blow in this conflict. Additionally, he anticipates that Biden will face pressure from progressive members of his party who are critical of Israel, as well as from more moderate representatives and donors who appreciate the complexities of remaining neutral in this conflict.

William Jacobson, founder of and a professor at Cornell Law School, points out that Biden is confronting a domestic political quandary because the progressive left wing of the Democratic Party has long held a contentious stance against Israel. If Biden chooses to support Israel, he risks alienating this activist wing of his party. Danielle Pletka, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, raises concerns about Biden's perceived weakness both domestically and internationally and recommends that he bolster Israel's rescue efforts, provide necessary weaponry, suspend aid to the Palestinian Authority, and consider adding Lebanon and Qatar to the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Former President Donald Trump, the presumed 2024 Republican nominee, has been critical of Biden's handling of the Israel-Iran situation. Trump promises unwavering support for Israel should he win the next election, asserting that such atrocities would not have transpired if he were still in office. Meanwhile, Biden's foreign policy approval rating remains in the negative, and the Democratic National Committee is attempting to counter this criticism by scrutinizing Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville's actions in holding military nominations and promotions. The DNC accuses Tuberville of undermining military readiness.

Despite these formidable challenges, President Biden has affirmed that the United States will persist in supporting Israel and ensuring it has the resources necessary for self-defense. He acknowledges the inseparable partnership between the United States and Israel and expresses concern for American citizens potentially held by Hamas. Biden has been coordinating with international counterparts and issuing multiple statements regarding the ongoing conflict.

Written by Staff Reports

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