
Biden Hails Himself as Economic, Environmental Savior Amid Skepticism

President Joe Biden recently threw a little shade on the reality of what his presidency might be remembered for—either that or he’s just hosting an optimistic show-and-tell. When pressed by reporters about his legacy, Biden whimsically declared he wants Generation Z to remember him as the guy who “cured the economy” and “the environment,” along with a few other “small things.” It’s almost inspiring if it weren’t so laughably disconnected from the reality confronting everyday Americans.

In his twilight years as president, fading approval ratings have put a spotlight on Biden’s lackluster economic handling. Just as he prepares to step back from the 2024 presidential race, it seems his “cure” for the economy needs a checkup. Polls show that while he managed a slight lead over Donald Trump among young voters—48% to 45%, with a tiny margin of error—it’s hardly a ringing endorsement. Perhaps Gen Z is just really good at managing their own expectations.

Biden’s musings weren’t the only thing that caught attention. He also offered a vague statement regarding Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumed Democratic candidate. The president hinted at discussions around her choice for a running mate, merely saying they are “talking.” What exactly this entails remains to be seen, but if Biden’s track record is any indication, it could just mean sharing a few thoughts over ice cream.

Both Harris and Trump are armed with TikTok accounts, ramping up their efforts to charm the tech-savvy Generation Z. With Harris boasting 3.5 million followers on her personal account and an additional 2.6 million on her campaign page, it seems she’s still learning the ropes of online charisma. On the other side, Trump has embraced the influencer lifestyle, joining forces with Logan and Jake Paul, raising his TikTok follower count to a staggering 9.4 million. Talk about playing to a younger crowd, surpassing typical political outreach by a mile.

As Gen Z navigates the swirling chaos of politics, they may find themselves chuckling at Biden’s self-proclaimed legacy while gravitating toward Trump’s bombastic antics. Perhaps it’s critical thinking kicking in, making them question whether curing the economy is simply a matter of repetitive soundbites, rather than policy guts. While Biden attempts to reframe his presidency with lofty aspirations, Gen Z seems more focused on the practical realities of inflation, job prospects, and how much avocado toast costs nowadays. Who knows? They might just prefer the fiery antics of the former president over Biden’s hopeful fantasies.

Written by Staff Reports

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