
Biden-Harris Team Snubs Israel, Courts Iran and Votes Instead

The Biden-Harris administration has once again taken a step that elicits more head-scratching than a math problem written by a toddler. Despite claiming to be a staunch ally of Israel, the actions taken by the current regime hint otherwise. One does not need a crystal ball to see where their true loyalties lie, especially when those loyalties seem to pivot around votes rather than steadfast alliances.

In a rather glaring move to curry favor in battleground states like Michigan and Minnesota, Kamala Harris decided to pick Tim Walz as her running mate over a more qualified candidate, Josh Shapiro. The twist? Shapiro is Jewish. Clearly, virtue signaling has darts on the wall, and the Biden-Harris team just missed the bullseye completely. The administration has also been busy funding the very regimes that fuel terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. It’s curious how they manage to slap Israel in the face while showering dollars on its enemies. This administration’s penchant for misplacing priorities is outdone only by its questionable handling of arms shipments meant for the defense of Israel.

As if that wasn’t enough, whispers from political insiders suggest the Biden-Harris team is playing a game of patty-cake with the Iranian regime. Following the assassination of dangerous terrorist figures like Ismail Haniyeh and Fuad Shukr, a high-level American delegation reportedly traveled to Tehran on a supposed noble mission of diplomacy. Their objective? Not to reinforce American support for Israel, but rather to assure Iran that the U.S. was completely clueless about Israeli operations. Imagine that: an American envoy acting like the kid who tries to apologize for his friend after a harmless arm-wrestle, only to end up throwing his buddy under the bus.

The delegation didn’t just come empty-handed; they allegedly brought along a list of ten Mossad agents believed to be involved in the killings—a move that raises questions about loyalty and courage. If one were to imagine the historical parallels, a savvy observer would see that this is akin to the British offering a similar list to the Japanese during World War II following the takedown of Yamamoto. One can only assume that such a misstep back then would have led to an instantaneous end to alliances. Yet, here we are in 2024, and the current regime believes handing gifts to a government chanting “Death to America” is a smart move.

The State Department quickly denied these reports, but one can’t help but notice how their denials seem more desperate than convincing. Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted to “intense diplomacy” with Iran, which seems to confirm more than it denies. It could be said that such “diplomacy” has real-world consequences, as evidenced by the reported arrests of numerous Iranian officials following the Americans’ ill-fated outreach, likely feeling the heat from Tehran’s wrath for their involvement with Israel.

The whispers of betrayal continue to grow louder, as more evidence surfaces showing that this administration’s floundering approach to international relations not only jeopardizes existing alliances but also endangers lives. With the Biden-Harris regime seeming more comfortable tiptoeing around Iran than standing firmly with Israel, conservative America can only speculate how long it will take for their allies to realize that such misplaced loyalties might just lead them to re-evaluate their friendships.

Written by Staff Reports

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