
Biden Migration Boosted; Trump Crackdown Snags on Lankford Scheme!

In a twist that surprises no one, Sen. James Lankford’s border proposal seems to be helping President Biden import more migrants while hindering former President Trump’s efforts to reduce the flow. According to Rosemary Jenks from the Immigration Accountability Project, the problem lies with the “trigger” authorization in Lankford’s plan. This “trigger” only kicks in once the border sees 8,500 illegal migrants in a single day or 5,000 people for seven consecutive days. This effectively overrides an existing emergency law that allows the president to shut down the border with much lower levels of illegal migration.

So basically, if Trump were to declare an emergency and shut down the border because there were “only” 2,000 migrants encountered each day, a court could say, “Hold on, Congress passed a law saying it’s 4,500 to 8,500, so tough luck, Mr. President.” How convenient for Biden and his open-border policies.

But here’s the kicker: Lankford and other Republicans are actually touting this trigger mechanism as a great feature of the proposal. Lankford even had the audacity to claim that if Trump were president, he would have asked for these new authorities himself. Yeah, right. I’m sure Trump was just dying to import more migrants into our already overwhelmed system.

Of course, Biden sees this trigger as a way to give himself emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. But let’s be real here, folks. Does anyone honestly think Biden would exercise that authority? He’s practically rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, so I highly doubt he would do anything to actually secure our border.

Not surprisingly, Trump has voiced his strong opposition to this plan, calling it a “horrible open borders betrayal of America.” And I couldn’t agree more. We need a bill that actually addresses the issues at the border and puts the interests of Americans first, rather than pandering to the left’s agenda.

But it gets even worse. This proposal also protects Biden’s parole programs, which are allowing around 80,000 job-seeking migrants to come into the country every month. Can you believe that? The American people are struggling to find work, and we’re just bringing in more and more people to compete for those scarce job opportunities.

And here’s the real kicker: even if the trigger is activated and the border is supposedly being “cracked down” on, it would still allow the processing of 1,400 additional migrants per day. So it’s basically a never-ending flow of people coming into our country, regardless of any so-called restrictions.

This is just another example of the Democrats pushing their immigration agenda at the expense of the American people. It’s not about compassion or helping those in need – it’s about power and control. And sadly, Lankford and other Republicans seem to be falling right into their trap.

We can’t let this plan pass. We need real solutions at the border that prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens. It’s time for Republicans to step up and fight against this open-border agenda. Our country’s future depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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