
Biden Plays Puppet Master with Press in Stealth Power Grab!

The Democrats are at it again, folks. You won’t believe the latest scheme from the Biden administration to cozy up to the liberal media and control the narrative. It’s straight out of a dystopian novel, but unfortunately, it’s all too real.

Get this: the Biden campaign is actually holding secret coaching sessions with major news outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and others. They’re not just chatting about the weather, either. No, they’re using these meetings to straight up tell the press how they should be covering Biden.

Can you believe the nerve of these folks? They’re literally giving reporters “coverage spreadsheets” and nitpicking everything they think the press is getting wrong about Biden. It’s like they want to turn the media into their own personal mouthpiece. This is the height of hypocrisy considering how the left loves to claim they’re defenders of a free press.

The report also revealed that the Biden campaign is feeling all sour grapes about the media’s coverage of President Trump. They claim the press is too focused on Trump’s legal troubles and not paying enough attention to Biden’s “positive” poll results. Really? Have they not seen their own guy in action?

What’s even more alarming is how major news organizations seemingly went along with these secret meetings. It’s like they’re okay with being told what to report. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity and independence? The fact that they’re even entertaining this idea is beyond disappointing.

These cozy meetings between the Biden campaign and the press are a blatant abuse of power and a major threat to a free and independent media. The press should not be taking orders from the president’s campaign staff. They should be holding the administration accountable and reporting the truth, no matter who’s in office.

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a crucial battle for the heart and soul of America. The Biden administration’s attempt to manipulate the media is just one more reason why it’s essential for everyday Americans to stay informed and engaged. The very future of our country is at stake, and we can’t afford to sit back and let the elites call the shots.

It’s time for patriots to stand together and fight for the truth. The Western Journal is on the front lines of this battle, but they can’t do it alone. They need the support of everyday Americans who care about preserving our freedoms and democracy.

So, if you’re tired of the establishment and their sneaky tactics, consider joining the fight with The Western Journal. Your support could make all the difference in protecting the integrity of our media and our country. Stand up for what’s right and let your voice be heard. The future of America depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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