
Biden Press Sec Fumbles as Economy Tumbles!

In a cringe-worthy press conference at the White House on Tuesday, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre stumbled and bumbled her way through questions about the sputtering economy. Recent reports of widespread layoffs at major companies, spanning across various industries, have left the Biden administration struggling to spin this economic disaster.

Attempting to deflect from the brutal truth, Jean Pierre tried to peddle the same tired narrative about President Biden’s economic “successes.” She mumbled about building the economy “from the bottom up, middle out,” as if those empty words could erase the thousands of hardworking Americans now out of jobs thanks to Bidenomics.

The White House’s feeble attempts to defend their economic record come at a time when the American people are seeing through their facade. Polls and data are revealing a different story – a story of economic turmoil and disillusionment with Biden’s policies.

And if you thought things couldn’t get any more embarrassing for the Biden administration, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen shamelessly declared that the labor market is “strong” in a House Financial Services Committee testimony. It’s laughable how out of touch these officials are with the harsh realities facing everyday Americans.

Despite the mainstream media’s best efforts to prop up the Biden administration, the latest NBC News national poll shows that President Biden is trailing former President Trump by a whopping 22 points on handling the economy. It’s no wonder Biden isn’t getting credit for the increase in jobs and decrease in inflation – because the American people are feeling the pain of his failed economic policies firsthand.

The Biden administration’s attempts to mask the economic red flags are as convincing as a cardboard cutout in a Hollywood movie – transparent and phony. It’s high time for the White House to stop the charade and start prioritizing the needs of the American people over their political agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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