
Biden Pressured to Halt Palestinian Deportations – Dems Beg!

A group of overzealous Democratic lawmakers are pushing for the Biden administration to grant a deportation amnesty for Palestinians already in the U.S. That’s right, they want to give them a free pass to skip out on deportation and even grant them work permits. Led by Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Sen. Richard J. Durbin, these Illinois Democrats are urging President Biden to flex his powers and use Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) or grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Palestinians.

But wait, what about the potential security risks? These lawmakers conveniently didn’t address that concern. Instead, they focused on the conditions in Gaza and the West Bank, arguing that Palestinians should be covered under these protective policies. It’s clear they’re more interested in playing politics than ensuring the safety and security of the American people.\

Interestingly enough, granting protection to Palestinians already in the U.S. could help President Biden maintain support for Israel while appeasing the far-left wing of his party. It’s a delicate balancing act for the Biden administration, but one that they seem willing to tackle. And it’s not just these lawmakers pushing for this amnesty. The Council on American-Islamic Relations and Americans for Justice in Palestine Action are also calling on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to grant TPS and DED.

But let’s not forget that TPS is usually granted to entire nations, not just specific groups. The Democrats may argue that there have been exceptions in the past, but those were rare cases. And just because some visitor visas were issued to Palestinians doesn’t mean we should automatically protect all of them. This isn’t about humanitarianism, it’s about political grandstanding.

In the end, it’s clear that these Democrats are more interested in virtue signaling than protecting the American people. They are willing to put potential security risks aside and grant amnesty to a group with deeply controversial ties. But hey, as long as it appeases the vocal wing of their party, who cares about the consequences?

Written by Staff Reports

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