
Biden Puts Ukraine First, US Last: GOP Furious at Pentagon’s Misguided Priorities

In yet another display of President Joe Biden’s blatant disregard for the American people, he has chosen to prioritize foreign aid to Ukraine over the needs of his own citizens. The Pentagon’s decision to exempt Ukraine aid from a potential government shutdown has Republicans rightfully outraged at the Biden Administration’s misplaced priorities.

With the looming deadline of September 30th for a potential government shutdown, the two parties have been unable to reach an agreement on future spending. While Republicans have been fighting to ensure the continuation of funding for the American people, Biden and his administration have shown their true colors by favoring Ukraine over their own citizens.

The decision has sparked the anger of Republicans, including Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, who perceptively noted that it feels like a continuation of former President Obama's policies. It's evident that President Biden's agenda seems to prioritize the interests of foreign nations over prioritizing America's interests first.

Republican Representative Michael Cloud of Texas rightfully voiced his criticism of President Biden for seemingly neglecting the needs of Americans while directing substantial funding towards Ukraine. It is indeed disheartening to observe that the Biden administration appears to prioritize everyone but the American people.

The sentiment echoed by Abigail Jackson, the communications director for Sen. Josh Hawley, perfectly captures the offensive nature of Biden’s actions. While services for Americans are being cut, their hard-earned money is being sent to Ukraine. This is a clear betrayal of the American people.

Kari Lake, a former Arizona gubernatorial candidate, aptly compared Biden’s treatment of Americans to bargaining chips. It’s apparent that Biden’s allegiance lies with funding a proxy war in Ukraine rather than addressing the pressing issues facing his own country.

Even Republican Representative Anna Paulina Luna from Florida couldn't resist criticizing President Biden's lack of competence. She made a humorous comment, stating, "Sleepy Joe Biden fell asleep on the train and ended up in Ukraine instead of America." It is concerning that our own president appears so disoriented that he can't even discern the country he is meant to lead.

The Department of Defense’s spokesperson, Chris Sherwood, conveniently claimed that the law permits the U.S. to support Ukraine financially despite a potential government shutdown. While this may be true, it only further highlights the Biden Administration’s skewed priorities.

Once again, President Biden has shown his willingness to put America last. While American citizens are struggling to make ends meet, Biden is funneling money to Ukraine without blinking an eye. It’s high time that we had a leader who prioritizes the needs and well-being of the American people over the interests of foreign countries.

Written by Staff Reports

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