
Biden Shields Hamas Terrorists in Hospital: Weak Leader Endangers US Allies

In a shocking turn of events, President Joe Biden has once again shown his inability to grasp the gravity of the situation in the Middle East. As U.S. officials confirmed the presence of Hamas terrorists operating under the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, President Biden shamefully declared that the hospital “must be protected.” It is evident that Biden’s mental fitness is questionable, and this incident only highlights the danger of having a weak leader in the White House.

Hamas has a long history of using hospitals and schools as shields for their terrorist activities. They hide their command centers, store weapons, and house fighters in these supposedly neutral locations, taking advantage of the compassion of the international community. It is a tactic so despicable that even the Israeli Defense Force had to ask, “What could these Hamas terrorists possibly be doing with an RPG at the Quds Hospital?” Yet, it seems President Biden is more concerned with protecting the image of these hospitals than with stopping the terrorists.

While speaking to reporters, Biden was asked if he had urged Israel to take precautions on the hospitals in Gaza. His response was shockingly misguided, saying, “the hospital must be protected.” It is truly concerning that the President of the United States would prioritize the safety of a hospital that is being used as a terrorist command center over the safety of innocent Israeli civilians who are under constant rocket fire from Hamas. This statement once again raises doubts about Biden’s mental acuity and ability to make sound decisions.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed that Hamas has a track record of using hospitals as military facilities. Yet, despite this information, Biden seems oblivious to the reality of the situation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightly pointed out that if the United States were under attack, they would take all necessary measures to go after the terrorists, even if they were embedded in hospitals or schools. It is a matter of national security to protect your citizens, and Israel is doing just that.

The Israeli Defense Force shared a video that demonstrates the lengths Hamas is willing to go to hide their terrorist activities. They showed IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari walking through a subterranean tunnel that led him to Gaza’s Rantisi hospital. This blatant disregard for the sanctity of hospitals should be condemned by the international community. It is clear that Hamas is using innocent civilians as human shields, but President Biden fails to recognize this reality.

It is high time that we have a leader in the White House who understands the true nature of the terrorist threat and is willing to take decisive action to protect American interests and allies. President Biden’s lack of understanding and misplaced priorities are a danger to the security of not only Israel but also to the United States. It is crucial that we have leadership that prioritizes the safety of our country over misguided compassion for terrorists.

Written by Staff Reports

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