
Biden Skips Bowl Bash: Fitness Fears Flare for 2024!

As the 2024 race for the White House revs up, critics are buzzing with doubts about President Joe Biden’s ability to go for a round two. The latest brouhaha began when the folks over at CNN raised eyebrows about Biden’s decision to skip out on the customary pre-Super Bowl presidential gabfest. They suggested that maybe, just maybe, ol’ Joe’s noggin might not be up for the challenge.

During a segment of CNN This Morning, Salena Mohsin, a big shot correspondent from Bloomberg, stirred the pot by pummeling Biden with questions about his absence from the Super Bowl interview scene. She even went so far as to wonder aloud if maybe the reason behind his no-show was that he couldn’t handle the pressure. Yikes!

Then, to add insult to injury, CNN host Phil Mattingly jumped on the bandwagon, musing about whether the president would even have the cohones to step into the ring for a presidential debate leading up to the big election showdown. The nerve of these people!

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Mohsin took a jab at Biden’s mental acuity, showing a clip of him stumbling through an interview like a one-legged duck in a hailstorm. She made a big fuss about how he couldn’t seem to keep his train of thought on the tracks. Ouch, that’s gotta sting!

Not one to miss out on the fun, former President Trump tossed his hat in the ring, challenging Biden to a debate throwdown. But instead of rising to the occasion, all ol’ Joe could muster was a feeble quip about how even he’d wanna debate himself. Classic deflection, am I right?

But it’s not just the critics and former foes who are hittin’ Biden below the belt. A recent NBC poll revealed that a whopping three-quarters of voters, including his own party peeps, are fretting about Biden’s mental and physical fitness to serve a second term. Even a die-hard Democrat in the poll chimed in, mumbling something about how Biden’s health and age might be holding him back from being a top-notch president.

And get this—95 percent of Republican voters, 81 percent of independents, and over half of the Democrats surveyed are losing sleep over Biden’s fitness to be our Commander in Chief for another term. It’s a regular ol’ worry-fest out there!

Looks like the talk of the town is all about whether Sleepy Joe can keep his ducks in a row for another four years. Only time will tell, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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