
Biden Skips China-Friendly EV Agenda in Talks with Striking Car Giants

In a recent visit with striking auto workers, President Joe Biden conveniently forgot to mention his China-friendly electric vehicle (EV) mandates, which are a major factor in the ongoing strike against General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. It’s ironic that Biden failed to talk about his EV agenda, considering that the strike is primarily about securing wage increases to keep up with his record inflation and protecting jobs from being eliminated by his green energy plans.

During his brief visit with the United Auto Workers (UAW) members in Michigan, Biden only spoke for a mere 87 seconds and didn’t bother bringing up his EV mandates or even trying to sell them as a benefit for the auto workers. Instead of addressing the concerns of the workers, Biden promptly left the strike and headed to California for some fundraising events with his wealthy Hollywood friends.

It’s no secret that Biden’s EV mandates are one of the main causes of the auto industry strike and the rising inflation. The UAW is demanding the return of cost-of-living adjustments and inflation bonuses to compensate for the damage caused by inflation, but they are rightly skeptical of trusting Biden’s promises after being let down before. The transition to electric vehicles will lead to a decline in jobs for the autoworkers, despite the Biden administration’s empty promises of “clean and green” jobs. And to make matters worse, many of the new green manufacturing plants are located in anti-union, right-to-work states.

Even if one believes in the urgent need to address climate change, it’s hard to justify imposing such a heavy burden on autoworkers. If we are all supposed to benefit from the transition to electric vehicles, why should the autoworkers be the ones paying the price?

Republican Senator J.D. Vance has warned that Biden’s EV mandates will ultimately offshore the U.S. auto industry to China, as China currently dominates the EV supply chain, controlling critical components like lithium, manganese, cobalt, graphite, and nickel. China also has control over the parts needed for EV batteries, including cathodes, separators, electrolytes, and anodes. This means that most EVs sold in the U.S. will be produced or sourced from China.

Former President Donald Trump, who plans to visit the UAW members in Michigan, has also called out Biden’s EV agenda, highlighting the fact that all these electric cars will be made in China, resulting in the loss of American jobs. It’s time for Biden to prioritize American workers and the domestic auto industry instead of catering to China’s interests.

In conclusion, Biden’s failure to mention his China-friendly EV mandates during his visit with striking auto workers is a clear indication of his disregard for the concerns and livelihoods of American workers. His green energy agenda is not only causing inflation and job insecurity but also threatening to offshore the U.S. auto industry to China. It’s time for Biden to acknowledge the destructive consequences of his policies and start putting America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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