
Biden Slams Trump, MAGA Republicans for Border Chaos: Speaker Johnson Hits Back!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on the border crisis, calling it “offensive.” Johnson argued that the border issues escalated significantly under Biden’s administration and that blaming Trump and “MAGA Republicans” for the crisis is laughable. He pointed to low approval ratings for Biden’s handling of the border as evidence that Americans recognize the need for action.

Johnson also highlighted his role in derailing a Senate funding package tied to immigration provisions, which he deemed “worse” than expected. Biden’s comments came in response to the collapse of the Senate proposal, in which he blamed Trump and “MAGA Republicans” for obstructing progress.

Despite Biden’s attempt to shift blame, Johnson reiterated that he has repeatedly pressed Biden to take executive action to address the crisis. He argued that Biden has the executive authority to reinstate policies such as the Remain-in-Mexico program and end catch-and-release, but the President refuses to act. Johnson emphasized that the responsibility for the border crisis rests solely on Biden’s shoulders.

Furthermore, Johnson accused Biden of intentionally undermining border security through executive actions that opened up the border. He listed several examples, including halting border wall construction and announcing a ban on deportations, to support his claim that the crisis was created “by design.” Johnson called Biden’s speech offensive and likened it to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment, suggesting that Biden will pay a price for his lack of leadership on the border issue in future elections.

Johnson also emphasized the broader issue of national security, arguing that Biden’s projection of weakness on the world stage is causing conflicts and jeopardizing America’s safety. He believes that border security will be a significant aspect of the 2024 presidential election.

In conclusion, Johnson pledged to continue fighting for accountability and mentioned an upcoming impeachment vote for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, whom he believes to be the worst cabinet secretary in American history. Johnson stated that the impeachment is necessary to hold the administration accountable for the catastrophic border situation.

Written by Staff Reports

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Johnson Blasts Biden’s Border Blame Game, Vows Security Crusade

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