
Biden Stands Firm with Israel Against Hamas Terror

President Joe Biden wrapped up his visit to Israel on Wednesday, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to express his unwavering support for the nation’s efforts against Hamas. The timing of Biden’s trip was crucial, as the recent series of Hamas terror attacks had claimed the lives of over 1,300 innocent Israelis since October 7th. It’s despicable how Hamas continues to inflict terror upon Israel, and it’s about time we had a president who stands firmly behind our ally.

During his visit, Biden delivered a powerful message to the people of Israel, stating, “I come to Israel with a simple message: You are not alone.” He even went as far as comparing the atrocities committed by Hamas to the 9/11 attacks, a powerful reminder of the horrors Israel faces. It’s refreshing to see a leader who understands the gravity of the situation and supports Israel’s demands for justice.

Although Biden had planned to meet with Arab leaders in Amman after his visit to Israel, he decided to postpone the trip in light of the days of mourning declared by Palestinian Authority President Abbas. It’s commendable that Biden demonstrates sensitivity towards the region’s complex dynamics and respects the protocols set by the leaders involved. Unlike his predecessor, Biden understands the importance of diplomacy and fostering strong relationships in the Middle East.

One of Biden’s primary focuses during his visit was the safe return of hostages held by Hamas. He emphasized, “There’s no higher priority than the release and safe return of all these hostages.” It’s heart-wrenching to think about innocent lives being held captive by terrorists, and Biden’s commitment to their freedom is commendable. Additionally, Biden announced plans to ask Congress for an unprecedented support package for Israel’s defense. It’s a proactive move that ensures Israel’s safety by providing the necessary resources and support.

As Biden stood strong in his support for Israel, it’s disheartening to see some Squad lawmakers advocating for a ceasefire. The Squad has once again shown their lack of understanding and unwavering support for Israel, blindly ignoring the atrocities committed by Hamas. Their recent demonstration at the U.S. Capitol Building, which led to several arrests, is a disgrace. It’s clear that these individuals prioritize their agenda over the safety and security of our ally.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden’s short but impactful trip to Israel conveyed America’s unwavering support during these difficult times with Hamas. His commitment to Israel’s defense, focus on the safe return of hostages, and understanding of the region’s dynamics set him apart from his predecessors. It’s refreshing to see a president who values our allies and stands firm against terrorism. We can only hope that under Biden’s leadership, we will continue to strengthen our relationship with Israel and promote peace in the Middle East.

Written by Staff Reports

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