
Biden Struggles as Trump’s Economic Legacy Looms Large

The *biggest* news from recent political discussions isn’t just the joke of a president Joe Biden is, but the very visible chasm between his current administration and the success of Donald Trump. Recent comments have highlighted Biden’s lackluster performance, comparing him to a “feckless statue”—the kind that’s only good for decoration, not for leading a country. The public is apparently piqued with curiosity, wondering if even Kamala Harris is paying attention to how things unfold under Trump’s shadow. But given her previous performance, one has to wonder if she understands what’s going on anyway.

In the tech investment landscape, it’s like night and day between the Trump administration and the clown show currently running the White House. Recent reports showcased nearly $2 trillion in new U.S. investments secured during Trump’s presidency, with companies like TSMC and Apple pledging massive capital. In comparison, one might think Biden’s biggest achievement is finding the right crayons for his coloring book. If he were a chef, his specialty would be burnt toast and lukewarm soup, while Trump was serving filet mignon to the American public.

Trump is also outperforming the Democrats in the economic arena, with one news cycle referring to him as playing the party like a fiddle. The Democrats seem utterly perplexed when Trump points out the unfair tariffs imposed on the U.S. by other countries. It’s as if they forgot they promised to protect American interests, instead wandering lost in their ideology that somehow pretends tariffs are evil. News flash: they’re simply catching up to the protectionist moves many other nations have already enacted against the U.S. for years. 


Let’s not forget Trump’s uncanny ability to highlight the Democrats’ contradictions—like how they seemingly despise “no tax on tips” until they see it was Trump’s idea first. The cheerleading from the other side has fizzled out, leaving them scrambling to maintain their flimsy narrative. Democrats could learn a thing or two from Trump’s playbook on how to negotiate and understand real economics. Instead, they choose to run headfirst into policies that would make even a fiscal chimpanzee cringe.

While the liberals are feasting on their own chaos, the conservative media outlets—and their loyal followers—are taking note, chuckling at the sheer absurdity of the current administration. Viewership is up as people flock to witness the disastrous contrasts of leadership. All in all, it seems Trump has managed to turn the Democrats’ own game against them while successfully bolstering the U.S. economy—much to the ire of those cherry-picking news cycles that just can’t keep up.

Written by Staff Reports

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