
Biden Touts Border Success as Arrests Drop, Critics Call Bluff on Real Security Progress

Homeland Security is patting itself on the back for plugging a hole in the leaky bucket called our southern border. They claim they’ve seen a 40% drop in arrests since President Biden’s recent stunt to curb the asylum circus. But let’s be real, trumpeting success when catch-and-release is still a thing hardly feels like winning.

With agents now averaging 2,400 arrests a day, one would think things are looking up. But that’s only if you conveniently ignore that, just last year, they were dealing with nearly 10,000 daily. It’s akin to celebrating because the house is only half flooded now instead of being submerged.

President Biden’s “decisive executive actions” to tighten asylum rules have supposedly scared off enough migrants to showcase some inflated stats ahead of the election. The genius behind this move? Making it harder for people to exploit loopholes and game the system. However, the president’s timing is suspect, coming so late in the game that it raises the question: why the delay? It’s almost as if political optics were more critical than actual border security.

Even so, the president’s magic wand hasn’t removed the juicy smuggling fees from the equation. Prices for human trafficking are more erratic than ever. While some migrants are allegedly paying less, others are forking out astronomical amounts — between $50,000 and $100,000 — to sneaky coyotes running the border operation. It’s the Wild West out there, but with far fewer sheriffs in town.

And let’s not ignore the juicy irony: Biden’s big asylum rejig still leaves room for plenty of chaos. Unaccompanied minors get a free pass, and if a savvy migrant pre-schedules their border arrival, they might as well get a gold invitation for a catch-and-release welcome party. Roughly 2,450 slots a day mean it’s more “come right in” than “border closed” — just the way Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas seems to like it.

Republicans have rightly pointed out this is too little, too late. They are sounding the alarm on Biden’s next moves, which they argue will only invite another tidal wave of illegal immigration. Proclaiming a deportation amnesty and green card giveaways for illegal immigrants married to citizens rings like a dinner bell for potential border crashers.

While immigrant rights groups are lining up to sue Biden over his asylum shift, the bigger picture remains the same — the current administration’s policies offer a mishmash of bandaids on a bullet wound, and it’s the American taxpayer left cleaning up the mess. So before anyone hands out medals for border management, it’s worth remembering that a half-fixed disaster is still a disaster.

Written by Staff Reports

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