
Biden Unleashes Crime Wave in Sanctuary Cities: Here’s How

A crime pandemic afflicts sanctuary cities and their environs, which is attributed to the influx of migrants released by the Biden administration subsequent to their unauthorized border crossing. Law enforcement officials in prominent urban centers, including New York City and Chicago, have documented substantial surges in crime rates attributed to the migration of these individuals.

Police Chief Brian Strokis of Oak Brook, a Chicago suburb, disclosed that his department has arrested a total of 49 migrants since October 23 and has made six felony arrests in a single day. These disconcerting figures illustrate the gravity of the issue. Chief Strokis underscored the burden that these offenses are imposing on the police department and clarified that it is not as simple for migrants to perpetrate crimes in Oak Brook or DuPage County as they may believe.

Eleventh-day occurrences at a Macy's location in Oak Brook entailed Venezuelan and Chilean immigrants. The removal of anti-theft devices from merchandise by the migrants via magnetic devices resulted in the larceny of merchandise valued at more than $10,000. A distinct incident involved the theft of merchandise valued at nearly $1,000. In both instances, the motion to detain the migrants without parole was denied by Judge Joshua Dieden, further emphasizing the insufficient reaction to their unlawful conduct.

It is not restricted to the Chicago metropolitan area. Nicole Malliotakis, a congresswoman for New York State, uploaded a video depicting a group of migrants assaulting two New York Police Department officers in Times Square. Malliotakis lamented the situation and demanded that migrants who conduct crimes in our country be deported immediately. Additionally, the New York Post reported that pickpocketing among migrants in New York City is causing the NYPD considerable difficulty.

The correlation between the policies enacted during the Biden administration and the precipitous escalation of criminal activity in these sanctuary cities is manifest. Local law enforcement is being overwhelmed by the volume of migrants being transported and released without adequate support or verification; this endangers the safety of American citizens. Federal authorities must act immediately and collaborate closely with local law enforcement in order to address this crisis. Priority should always be given to the safety and security of our citizens; the Biden administration must now accept accountability for the repercussions of their immigration policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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