
Biden Waffles on UN Cash Freeze After Terror Link Exposed!

The Biden administration has put a temporary hold on additional funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) after employees were fired for their involvement in a brutal terrorist attack on Israel. State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller expressed deep concern over the allegations that twelve UNRWA employees were linked to the Hamas attack and emphasized the need for a swift investigation. The decision to pause funding came after a conversation between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, during which they discussed the importance of holding accountable anyone involved in the heinous attacks.

However, even as the Biden administration temporarily halts funding, they couldn’t resist giving a shining review of UNRWA in their statement. This isn’t surprising from an administration that can’t seem to make a clear-cut decision without adding in some equivocation. The reality is that UNRWA should never see another penny from the U.S.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini announced the immediate termination of the employees involved and the launch of an investigation to establish the truth without delay. Yet, this weak diplomatic language and empty promises are a disgrace, especially considering the well-known truth about UNRWA – it’s nothing but a globally funded anti-Israel propaganda machine that aids terrorists.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies has exposed UNRWA as nothing more than a tool for perpetuating the Palestinian refugee problem, lacking any meaningful authority to solve the issue. In fact, it even refuses to label Hamas as a terrorist organization and indirectly aids it by freeing up resources for terrorism. UNRWA schools, meant to educate and empower children, instead propagate anti-Semitic sentiments, deny Israel’s legitimacy, and encourage violence and jihad.

Additionally, UNRWA allows itself to be manipulated by Hamas in Gaza, with its facilities being used as covers for terrorist activities. Despite all these alarming revelations, U.S. taxpayers have funded UNRWA with billions over the years. The Biden administration’s decision to resume funding makes the U.S. the agency’s largest donor once again, despite previous concerns and criticisms.

The calls to defund UNRWA are only getting louder, with demands for immediate action against an organization that has sowed hatred and incited violence for generations. It’s clear that UNRWA’s role in Gaza’s reconstruction following the recent conflict is nothing short of absurd, given its ties to and support of terrorist activities.


Written by Staff Reports

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