
Biden Wins Nevada: Silver State Backs Geriatric Joe Despite Ageist Democrats’ Outcry

In the liberal stronghold of Nevada, the Democrats have delivered another win for President Joe Biden in the 2024 primary cycle. However, even as Biden secured his second primary win, the concern over his age was palpable among some Democratic voters. It seems that the Dems are finally coming to terms with the fact that their beloved leader is, in fact, an 81-year-old man.

Chris Forbes, a Biden voter, couldn’t help but laugh at the international embarrassment that comes with having a geriatric president, expressing disbelief that the democratic process churns out candidates who should really be retired. Meanwhile, Lenore Cohen shared her concern, stating that she would prefer to see young, sprightly individuals running for office rather than the elderly duo of Biden and former President Donald Trump. Sheila Thompson, another voter, didn’t hold back in her ageism, arguing that no one over 70 should be allowed to serve as president, representative, or senator, despite casting her vote for Biden.

Even the author Sean Doyle jumped on the ageist bandwagon, lamenting the elderly presence in government. It’s clear that these Democrats are facing a dilemma – do they prioritize their disdain for old politicians or their aversion to Trump? It seems that the fear of the former reality TV star outweighs their issues with Biden’s old age.

On the other hand, some voters weren’t bothered by Biden’s advanced years. Constance Karalias, a teacher, eloquently defended the older candidates, citing their experience as a valuable asset. And retired grandmother Beverly McConico criticized the focus on Biden’s age, pointing out that everyone in Congress is old, so why single out the president?

Despite the murmurs of concern, Biden still managed to clinch the bulk of Democratic votes in the state’s primary, securing a whopping 89.3% with 88% of votes tallied. However, the real question is, can Biden’s aging brain compete with the sharp wit of Trump in a likely 2024 rematch?

It appears that Biden’s age is not just a concern among Nevada voters; an NBC News poll revealed that a staggering 76% of respondents worry about Biden’s mental and physical health for a potential second term. The writing is on the wall for the old-timer.

In the battleground state of Nevada, Biden narrowly defeated Trump in 2020. However, with the changing dynamics of the Republican base and Trump’s increasing appeal among minority and union groups, Biden’s hold on the state seems precarious. Trump’s recent win in a general election poll, capturing 48% of the state’s support compared to Biden’s 40%, is a clear indication that the tides may be turning against the elderly incumbent.

As the 2024 election looms, the battle for Nevada’s crucial support will likely intensify. With Hispanics, Latinos, and union workers holding significant sway in the state, both Biden and Trump are gearing up to secure their backing. It seems that in this political showdown, age may indeed prove to be more than just a number. Will the Democrats stick by their aging leader, or will they heed the call for fresher faces in the political arena? Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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